SAMHSA Finalizes Changes to Part 2 Regulations Governing Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Records

Home and Community Based Services – Choices for Independence

When is Guardianship Necessary?

Can Child Support Affect A Child’s SSI or Medicaid Benefits?

What Are Special Needs Trusts (SNT’s) And Why Would You Need One?

What Are ABLE Accounts and How Do They Work?

Can Car be Transferred to Spouse after Death?

What Is ABLE? Should I Use That Instead of an SNT (Special Needs Trust)?

Can A House Be Given To Adult Children If Their Parents Move Into A Nursing Home?

What is the Medicaid Look-Back Period in NH?

What Is A Medicaid Spend-Down?

Will I Lose My House If Spouse Goes Into Nursing Home?

Take this off of your Fall “To Do” List: EEO-1 Delayed in Part and Suspended in Part

Three Lessons from the Equifax Data Breach

Should You Put Your House Into An Irrevocable Trust?

Copyright Office Moves to Electronic DMCA Registry

How to Provide for a Special Needs Child After You’re Gone

Could You Afford a Nursing Home if You Had to?

Can Parties Recover Their Attorneys’ Fees in Litigation?

The Supreme Court Issues Significant FDCPA Decisions

Governor Sununu Signs Two Bills to Address Delays in New Hampshire Nurse Licensure Process

ABLE Act – What is it?

Transfers to Spouses Under Medicaid

What is the Difference between a “Living Will” and a “Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care”?

Understanding Medicare Benefits